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What Can You Use To Clean Hardwood Floors?

We may have many different things we are proud of in our home but undoubtedly, our hardwood floors are included at the top of the list. When they are kept beautifully, they will be quite a showpiece but how can you ensure you are cleaning them properly?

You can use any type of commercial hardwood floor cleaning product to ensure that your floors are as beautiful as possible. This could include anything from Murphy’s Oil Soap to Mr. Clean. Cleaning your hardwood floors in this way is part of an overall routine that will help to keep them looking their best.

Mop cleaning hardwood floor

It is important to choose all of the proper products, and this goes beyond the type of cleanser that is used on a weekly or perhaps monthly basis. In fact, cleaning the floors on a daily basis using high-quality products is an excellent way to ensure that you don’t have to wash them all that often.

In fact, it is best if you don’t wash the floor too frequently because you don’t want to introduce moisture to the area unnecessarily. Moisture is the enemy of your hardwood floor and even if it is fully sealed, it could find its way in through a crack and cause swelling.

Pay attention to your overall cleaning regimen and ensure that you are cleaning the floor properly every day, not just once a week or once a month. It really does make a difference.

What Can You Use To Clean Hardwood Floors?

As far as what you can use to clean the hardwood floor, it’s good to choose products that are of the highest quality possible. These will go a long way in helping you to keep your floors looking pristine.

Here are some of the cleaning products you will want to have on hand:

1. Broom and Dust Pan – A broom is a relatively simple tool but it is also one that you will want to pay particular attention to for your hardwood floor. That is especially true when it comes to the type of bristles you are using.

Sweeping the floor with a broom can pick up a lot of the dirt and debris but if you are using a stiff-bristled broom, it will also scratch the surface over time. It may not damage it quickly but if you sweep your floor daily, it could cause damage by grinding the dirt into the floor.

It is a much better option to choose a high-quality, soft-bristled broom. This will help to sweep the floor without causing damage to the surface. In addition, soft brooms tend to collect the hair and dirt as you go along in the bristles. That keeps you from having to chase the dirt around the room as you are sweeping.

You can choose any dustpan for this purpose but it is a good idea to consider one that has a handle. This will keep you from bending over too frequently and you will typically get more of the dirt in the pan.

2. Small Dust Mop – A small dust mop is ideal for sweeping the traveled areas of the room every day. The dust mop will pick up a lot of the dirt and debris and you can go outside and shake it. You should also ensure that you are washing the dust mop head regularly.

Many of the smaller dust mops are ideal for quickly pushing over a hardwood floor. It works in the center of the room but you will notice that the mop is shaped in such a way that it will also get back in the corners. Don’t overlook the convenience these small dust mops have.

3. Large Dust Mop – There are a variety of sizes available when it comes to dust mops. Generally speaking, a 2-foot mop will be sufficient for most homes unless you have very large open areas, in which you may want to consider a larger dust mop.

This type of dust mop easily covers more area than the smaller version. It can cut down on the amount of time that you will be mopping every day.

A large dust mop will also sweep under the furniture and appliances that may be hiding some dirt out of the way. It’s not a perfect solution, but it is one that can be beneficial.

Always choose a sturdy handle for your dust mop. Don’t choose one that screws together or is flimsy, because it won’t last long and doesn’t allow you to do as nice of a job.

You will also need a variety of other cleaning devices, many of which are covered in this article. By making these choices and having something available, you will be able to keep up on your floor every day and that keeps it looking beautiful.

Can You Use Water To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Female cleaning kitchen hardwood floor with mop

There is no doubt that water is the most commonly used ingredient in any cleaning solution. Is it also something that can be used for your hardwood floor?

Caution needs to be exercised when using water to clean hardwood floors. Even if the floor is completely sealed, any water that does get in through cracks or imperfections in the sealant can lead to disaster. If you must use water to clean a hardwood floor, only use a lightly damp mop or rag.

There are some people who use water regularly to clean a hardwood floor but it is certainly not the best option available. For older hardwood floors or those that are porous, a little bit of water could damage the floor beyond repair.

If you feel it is necessary to clean the hardwood floor using water, you should use the best tools for the job. A high quality wet mop along with a strong water bucket will do a much better job at getting the floor clean without damaging it.

The reason why quality matters is because you will wring the water from the mop using the bucket and if they are strong, you will get most of the water out of the mop. This will allow you to mop the floor without damaging it in the process.

As a general rule of thumb, however, you should not wash a hardwood floor with water. If water does get on the floor, it should be dried as quickly as possible.

Can You Use Bona To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Woman kneeling on ground with towel wiping hardwood floor

Most people try to use some type of natural cleanser around the home. Can you also use Bona as a commercial cleaner?

Bona is made for cleaning hardwood floors, and it is a great choice if you use it according to their directions. The products are rather varied, so you would want to choose one that was for use on hardwood floors and make sure that you are not getting the floor too wet in the process of cleaning it.

When using Bona on your hardwood floor, there is more to it than simply using the cleaner. There is a deep cleaner that can work well on hardwood but it is not something that should be used on a routine basis.

These types of cleaners are relatively strong and they will work for cleaning the floor if it hasn’t been cleaned in quite some time. Using them regularly could lead to damage but you should always check the instructions to see what their recommendations are for timing.

Make sure that you also use one of their microfiber cleaning pads as it can help to keep the floor in tip-top shape.

Can You Use Bleach To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Container and bleach solution being poured out

Bleach is often used as a very powerful cleaner but is it too much for your hardwood floor?

You should never use bleach for general cleaning of a hardwood floor. It is not a safe choice and can damage the floor, making it necessary for you to refinish everything. In addition, since bleach is often mixed with water, it is not something that should be applied to hardwood because water would cause the wood to swell.

This probably leads to some questions on why bleach would not be a good choice if there is a stain. Quite simply, it may work on the stain but bleach would also likely damage the floor in the process.

At times, you may even use bleach on the hardwood floor to lighten the floor on purpose. This is often done to remove darker stains or to reduce their appearance as much as possible.

If you are going to be using bleach for this purpose, it has to reach the cells within the wood itself. Typically, it is not something that can be done if you are using it on a fully sealed engineered wood floor.

Bleach is good for use as a general cleaner in many parts of the home but it should not be used on wood.

Can You Use Mr. Clean To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Basket of cleaning supplies

Some commercial products are used throughout the home and are often trusted just by name. That is the case with Mr. Clean, but can you use that popular cleaner on hardwood?

You can use Mr. Clean on varnished hardwood, provided you use it properly. The product itself is made for that type of surface, but you need to exercise caution because you could also damage the floor if it is not properly sealed. Never use water or any water-based cleanser on hardwood that is not properly sealed.

Mr. Clean is a popular cleaning choice for many different reasons. For one thing, it works well and if there is something dirty, it will take the dirt away.

In addition to cleaning, Mr. Clean also smells like you have been cleaning as well. You will appreciate the lemon scent but what you won’t appreciate is the possibility that you will be damaging the floor.

Mr. Clean can be used sparingly when diluted with water but only if the floor is fully sealed.

Can You Use Murphy’s Oil Soap To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Baking soda in glass bowl

Murphy’s Oil Soap is often used on wood but is it appropriate for use on a hardwood floor?

Although it is safe to apply Murphy’s Oil Soap to a hardwood floor, it is not the best option for cleaning it. Murphy’s Oil Soap can leave behind some oily residue, and that would cause problems with the floor. In addition, you don’t want to introduce any product that could add moisture to the hardwood, as it may lead to swelling and permanent damage.

There are many people who swear by Murphy’s Oil Soap and say that it is the best choice for old hardwood floors. They use it in order to bring back some of the floor’s luster, but caution needs to be taken.

If you are mixing Murphy’s Oil Soap and water, you would have to wring out the cloth or mop until it is almost dry. Never allow standing water, with or without Murphy’s Oil Soap to sit on a hardwood floor.

Can You Use Alcohol To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Rubbing alcohol jar

Alcohol is a type of cleaner that is often overlooked. Should you remember to use it on your hardwood floor?

Many commercial products that are used for hardwood contain alcohol. Since alcohol evaporates quickly, it will not sit on the floor and run the risk of soaking into the wood. It is better if you don’t use any liquid to clean the floor but if you must use some type of cleaner, use rubbing alcohol on a fully sealed hardwood floor.

It is possible to make your own homemade cleaner using rubbing alcohol and water. It can then be used for cleaning many areas of the home, including the hardwood floor if appropriate caution is used.

Can You Use Dawn/Dish Soap To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Dish soap being poured onto sponge over sink

Many homeowners look to natural cleaning solutions to save the environment and save money. Should you consider using Dawn dish soap for cleaning your hardwood floor?

Dawn dish soap is an appropriate choice for cleaning hardwood floor that has been fully sealed. You can mix 1/4 cup of soap in a gallon of warm water and apply it to the floor to clean dirt and grease after fully ringing the mop as dry as possible.

It is often best if you use a rag and wash the floor by hand if it is necessary to use a water-based product. It is very easy to damage a hardwood floor when using water, regardless of whether it has dishwashing soap in it or not.

For the most part, you can use Dawn dishwashing soap but you may have to rinse the floor afterward. This should also be done with a mop or rag that has been fully wrung out so it is as dry as possible.

Can You Use Baking Soda To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Porcelain bowl of baking soda

Baking soda is one of those products that all of us have at home. You can find it in your refrigerator but can you use it on your hardwood floor?

Baking soda works as a natural cleaner and can help remove dirt and stains from hardwood floors. Typically, it is made into a paste with a little water or some vinegar, applied to the floor, and then scrubbed. It is mildly abrasive, making it an excellent cleaner on many levels.

There are numerous ways to use baking soda for cleaning hardwood floors. The most common use is to mix baking soda with a little water or vinegar to make a paste. Water and vinegar will also cause a foaming action, but that is to be expected.

Another way to use baking soda is to sprinkle some dry product directly on the area where the spot exists. You can then use a sponge that is slightly damp to scrub the area.

Baking soda is a good product for cleaning because it acts as a mild abrasive. It can scrub away dirt and grime, leaving behind a cleaner floor.

Make sure that you are not using too much water if you do use baking soda to clean hardwood floors. Water can damage the floor easily.

Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Hydrogen peroxide on table

Hydrogen peroxide is a type of cleaner that is often used in medical scenarios. It may work for blood and body fluids but can also work as a general cleaner for hardwood floors?

You can use hydrogen peroxide mixed with water to clean wood and sanitize the surface. It is appropriate for use on hardwood floors provided the hardwood floor is fully sealed. Otherwise, you would be introducing a fluid to the area that could soak into the hardwood and cause it to swell.

Peroxide is a general cleaner that would work well to lift dirt from the floor. The primary reason why it is used, however, is for sanitary reasons. If you have a hardwood floor that needs to be sanitized for any reason, you can make a solution using hydrogen peroxide.

Generally speaking, one cup of hydrogen peroxide can be used in a gallon of water to make a cleaning solution. This solution would be diluted enough that it is safe for use on your hardwood floor.

Caution does need to be used, especially if you plan on using hydrogen peroxide at full strength. It does react as a bleach in certain scenarios, which makes it an effective cleaner but also could make it damaging to the exposed wood.

Can You Use Tide To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Cleaning bottles and linens

Tide is one of those household products that is known by name. It works great for cleaning clothing but can it be used for cleaning hardwood floors?

If you’re looking for something to clean your hardwood floor, you can grab a box of Tide. As a cleaner, it is safe to use on hardwood that is fully sealed. It can also be used on an engineered wood floor, but the sealant needs to be in place. As a soap, it is relatively neutral and since it can be used on clothing, which is against our skin, it is generally safe for use as a cleaner for surfaces.

That being said, caution needs to be taken if you plan on using any cleaner that would introduce water to the area. Generally speaking, you are going to be mixing Tide with water, and water can damage hardwood floors very easily.

If you must use any type of water-based cleanser, regardless of whether it is Tide or not, you should only use the minimum amount necessary to get the job done. Don’t allow standing water to remain on the floor or it could soak in and cause the wood to swell.

Can You Use Pine Sol To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Cleaning supplies on hardwood floor

Many homeowners trust Pine-Sol for use as a general cleaner. Is it good enough for use on your hardwood floor?

Pine-Sol can effectively clean dirt off a hardwood floor but it can also soak into the floor, causing the wood to swell. If you’re going to use Pine-Sol for cleaning a hardwood floor, make sure that you use the appropriate product. You should then only use a mop or rag that is slightly damp so you’re not introducing water into the area.

When most people think about using Pine-Sol, they are thinking about using the liquid product but there are actually many products by that name. One of those is a mop that squirts Pine-Sol solution onto the floor and then mops it up immediately.

This type of product can be used but it is not the best option for cleaning hardwood. Since you are drying the floor quickly, you will not have to worry too much about having the product soak into the floor.

At the same time, however, if the floor is not sealed properly, it could soak in quickly and cause problems.

Can You Use Lysol To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Top of aerosol spray can

You have probably used Lysol for cleaning many surfaces in the home. Typically, it is used on nonporous surfaces but can it be used on hardwood?

Lysol can be used to deep clean a wood floor as long as you aren’t introducing too much water into the floor at the same time. It should be used sparingly, thoroughly wringing out the rag or mop before wiping the floor clean.

There are many benefits to using Lysol. It’s a sanitizer, so it will leave your floor clean on a microbial level. It also leaves behind a nice, fresh scent that will leave your home smelling like you just cleaned it.

Can You Use Mineral Spirits To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Hand carrying bucket of cleaning supplies

Mineral spirits are one of those specialty cleaners that are used for very specific reasons. Is it okay to use them on a hardwood floor?

If you have stains and scuff marks on a fully sealed hardwood floor, you can use a small amount of mineral spirits to clean the scuffs quickly and easily. Simply put a little of the mineral spirits on a rag and wipe the area. It will remove the scuffs and leave behind a shiny, nice-looking floor.

Although it is safe to remove stains using mineral spirits, you also need to use the appropriate caution. If you apply it too heavily or allow the mineral spirits to stay on the surface for too long, it can damage the finish.

Can You Use All Purpose Cleaner To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Hands carrying bucket of cleaning supplies

One would assume that using a product that is labeled all-purpose would mean that it could be used for general purposes. Is that the case with an all-purpose cleaner or will it damage a hardwood floor?

Almost any type of all-purpose cleaner would be appropriate for use on a hardwood floor. It can clean dirt from the floor as well as disinfect the surface. As is the case with any product that is water-based or may be mixed with water, you should use appropriate caution and not apply too much water to the surface or you could damage the wood.

All-purpose cleaners tend to be relatively balanced when it comes to pH levels. They are not overly harsh, but they provide a general way of cleaning the surface without abrasives or strong chemicals.

As long as you thoroughly wring out the mop or rag, you can use all-purpose cleaners sparingly for keeping your hardwood floors in top shape.

Can You Use Ammonia To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Glass window spray bottle cleaner

You might use ammonia as a very strong cleanser but should you use it on your wood floor?

Ammonia is not appropriate for cleaning hardwood floors. It may be able to clean dirt and disinfect a surface but it is also harsh and could damage the finish on the floor. In addition, any cleaner that is mixed with water should be used with caution when you apply it to a hardwood floor so it doesn’t soak into the wood.

Rather than using ammonia, you can use a more suitable cleaner, such as an all-purpose cleaner, vinegar, or Dawn dishwashing liquid in water. There is no reason to use ammonia, as that type of harsh cleaning is not typically necessary for a hardwood floor.

Can You Use Fabuloso To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Spray bottle cleaner held by person wearing yellow latex gloves

If you have a bottle of Fabuloso, is it okay to use it on a hardwood floor?

As an all-purpose cleaner, Fabuloso is appropriate for cleaning wood floors. It should be used only when the floor is sealed, as any type of raw wood should not be washed down with fluid. Since you typically mix Fabuloso in water, it would easily soak into the wood and cause it to swell.

As an alternative to using this all-purpose cleaner, try mixing 1/2 cup of vinegar in a gallon of warm water.

Can You Use Castile Soap To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Cleaning spray bottle

In an effort to be environmentally friendly and as natural as possible, some homeowners have considered using Castile soap for cleaning hardwood floors. Is it an appropriate choice?

Castile soap is relatively gentle and pH balanced, so you can use it for cleaning a hardwood floor. Typically, you would mix 2 tablespoons of Castile soap in 1 gallon of water. This could either be sprayed directly onto the area and wiped dry immediately or you can use it after wringing out a rag or mop thoroughly.

Although there is no problem with using Castile soap on hardwood, there are issues with using too much water. Water will damage hardwood easily and if the wood isn’t sealed properly, it will soak in quickly.

As a rule of thumb, if a cleaner is gentle enough to be used on the skin regularly, it can be used for making a cleaning solution for your hardwood floor.

Can You Use Tea Tree Oil To Clean Hardwood Floors?

Assortment of cleaning supplies on hardwood floor

Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant and has excellent antifungal properties. As a natural cleaner, can it be used on hardwood?

You can mix a few drops of tea tree oil in warm water to clean a hardwood floor that has been fully sealed. The water itself will do most of the work in lifting the dirt and grease from the floor. Any tea tree oil will provide a disinfectant and will smell wonderful when you are finished cleaning.

Caution needs to be taken if you are cleaning the floor with any type of water-based product. Applying too much water to hardwood that is not sealed properly will cause the wood to swell and could damage it beyond repair.

How To Clean Hardwood Floors Properly

Hand wiping hardwood floor with hand towel

Cleaning a hardwood floor does not need to be difficult but it is something that must be done regularly if you want the best results.

The first and most important part of cleaning a hardwood floor involves sweeping or dry mopping the floor every day. This is something that many homeowners tend to skip, but it really can make a difference in how the floor looks.

Cleaning the floor every day removes a lot of the dirt and debris that could be left on the floor. This makes a difference because that dirt would be ground into the finish if you continually walked over it. Over time, this could lead to micro-scratches and damage.

The most important part of the floor to clean daily is the high traffic area. This can be done with any type of dust mop or, if necessary, you can use a soft-bristle broom.

This content is owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on Apr 29, 2022..

Dust mopping the floor in this way keeps you from continually walking over any dirt and debris and grinding it into the finish. You may not notice a difference when you sweep the floor, but you will notice a difference over the course of time.

Most rooms can easily be dust mopped in a matter of a minute or two. It isn’t necessary to capture every corner and nook and Craney. You can use a longer dust mop to sweep under furniture, but even that does not need to be done every day.

The real key is to keep as much dirt off of the floor as possible. This is easier said than done, but when you have a regular routine set up, it can be done with ease.

Even if you are dust mopping the floor every day, there may be times when a more thorough cleanse needs to be done. That is where you may need to use some type of product, including one that is mixed with water.

It is imperative that you use the proper tools and that you keep the mop as dry as possible when doing this type of cleaning. Moisture will very quickly damage your hardwood floor and that can be a problem.

For that reason, it is recommended that you have the highest quality mop and bucket possible. The mop will hold onto the water and the bucket will allow you to wring it out thoroughly.

If you have a need to use any type of cleaner, it is better if you use either a commercial cleaner or perhaps some white vinegar diluted in water. Commercial cleaners tend to be pH balanced and although they may not be as environmentally friendly, they will allow your floor to last for many more years.

You may need to wax the hardwood floor, depending upon the type of floor that you have. This should only be done every six months or a year and in some cases, you may be able to stretch it out to two years.

A lot of the timing for waxing the floor has to do with how much traffic the floor gets. If you have the wax down and care for the floor daily, you may be able to stretch it out even further.

Sometimes, you may even need to sand down the floor and refinish it. This is not something that needs to be done very often but it will bring the floor back to like-new condition.

This article was first published on Apr 29, 2022 by Wabi Sabi Group..

You can use a high-quality broom and dust mop to clean hardwood floors daily. Doing so will keep the dirt and debris from accumulating on the floor and grinding into the finish. The more you dry mop your hardwood floor, the less you will have to deep clean it.

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WabiSabi Group is the owner of this article and was published on Apr 29, 2022 and last modified on .

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