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What Can You Use to Clean Shower Head?

A close up photo of a shower head with running water

Want to shower but the water isn’t coming out of the shower head? Well, it’s time to get the shower head cleaned! Chances are that the pores on the shower head are blocked by the deposition of minerals present in hard water, making it difficult for the water to come out.

There are several ways to clean shower heads. You can use vinegar, baking soda, lime, and several other cleaners to get rid of mineral deposits and rust from your shower head. Additionally, it is recommended to clean your shower head at least once a month to avoid junk from blocking the pores.

If left unchecked, bacteria that cause lung diseases can grow inside the shower head. This can cause serious impediments and put you at risk of developing health issues. Therefore, learning how to clean the shower head is extremely important.

Can You Use Vinegar to Clean Shower Head?

A male female couple looking at each other confused and scratching their heads

You might have heard of cleaning shower heads using vinegar before. It’s fairly common on the internet these days. So, the question is, can Vinegar also be used to clean shower heads?

Yes, you can remove stains and get rid of mineral deposits in the shower head using vinegar. Using vinegar will cleanse your shower head thoroughly. Moreover, it’s easily available and is safe to use. However, make sure you dilute it with some water first since vinegar is quite strong on its own.

How To Clean The Shower head Using Vinegar

Here’s how you can clean your showerhead with the help of some vinegar:

Step 1: Remove the shower head from the shower pipe with the help of a wrench.

Step 2: Take a plastic bag and half fill it with vinegar. Then, wrap the bag around the shower head such that the head is submerged in the vinegar. Make sure that the bag is not filled, otherwise, it will overflow when you tie it up.

Step 3: Leave the shower head dipped in vinegar for at least an hour. However, the more soiled and rusty the shower is, the more time you need to keep it in the vinegar.

Step 4: If the shower head is made up of metal, then you can place the pot on the stove and simmer the vinegar for 15 minutes.

However, if the shower head has gold, brass, or nickel finishing, then you have to take it out from the vinegar pot after 30 minutes and rinse it with cold water.

Step 4: After taking the shower head out, wash it with cold water and scrub its surface with an old toothbrush. You will see the mineral deposits peeling off the surface.

Step 5: Wash the shower head one last time with the cold water and then clean it using a soft cloth.

Step 6: Attach the shower head again to the shower pipe and let the water run through it for a few seconds, this will remove further debris left behind inside the holes.

This article and its contents are owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on 06/07/2022.

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Shower Head?

A photo of apple cider vinegar with basket of apples

Besides its wide range of uses in the food industry, apple cider vinegar is also well-known for its deep-cleaning properties. It may sound ridiculous, but have you ever wondered whether you can use apple cider vinegar to clean a showerhead?

Well, the answer is yes, you can use apple cider vinegar to clean shower heads. It is an inexpensive and convenient method of cleaning that will remove all the stains and rust from the pores and leave behind a sweet fragrance without damaging the shower head.

How to Clean Showerheads Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar for cleaning shower heads is a quite straightforward task. It neither damages your skin nor the surface coating of the shower head while you’re cleaning it.

To clean your shower head using apple cider vinegar, first, remove the shower head from the shower pipe and dip it in the apple cider vinegar solution for one hour.

You can also add baking soda into the solution for deep cleansing. After the hour has elapsed, take the shower head out and rinse it with cold water, and there you have it! A gleaming shower head!

Can You Use White Vinegar to Clean Shower Head?

A close up shot of white vinegar

Yes, but you should dilute the white vinegar before using it to prevent damaging the surface. This is because white vinegar contains acetic acid, which can damage some fragile coated surfaces. Therefore, test the vinegar on a small area first to ensure that it won’t damage your shower head.

This article and its contents are owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on 06/07/2022.

Can You Use Malt Vinegar to Clean Shower Head?

Yes! Malt vinegar is a great natural cleaner that can remove built-up grime and mineral deposits from your shower head. Simply fill a small bowl with malt vinegar and submerge the showerhead in the solution for a while for an hour before rinsing it with water.

Can You Use Distilled Vinegar to Clean Shower Head?

Yes, you can clean your shower head with distilled vinegar to remove mineral deposits. To do so, wet a clean cloth in distilled vinegar and wrap it around the shower head. Wait for 30 minutes before removing the cloth and rinsing the shower head with cold water.

Can You Use CLR to Clean Shower Head?

CLR stands for calcium lime rust removal, which already sounds like a promising answer to the question you’ve been asking: Is CLR applicable on shower heads for cleaning?

You can use CLR to clean your shower head as it is one of the most effective chemicals that can remove rust, calcium, and lime deposits from the shower head’s pores. It will give you immediate results and you can remove sticky stains within a few minutes.

How to Use CLR to Clean Shower heads

CLR is 15 times more concentrated than vinegar. Therefore, you have to be careful not to leave it on the shower head for too long. It is also recommended to use gloves while cleaning the shower head with CLR.

Step 1: Remove the shower head from the shower arm.

Step 2: Fill a bowl, half with CLR and half with water. Now, submerge the shower head in the solution and let it soak for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Remove the shower head from the solution and use a soft brush to scrub away any remaining build-up.

Step 4: Finally, you can wash the shower head with cold water and attach it to the shower pipe.

Can You Use Baking Soda to Clean Shower Head?

A side photo of a table spoon of baking soda

When it comes to cleaning purposes, baking soda is almost everyone’s go-to option. However, when we talk about cleaning shower heads, we’re also talking about the presence of rust and microbes.

Yes, baking soda can be used to clean shower heads since it is a gentle yet effective cleanser that can remove any built-up grime and microbes. Furthermore, it is quite harmless and environment-friendly as well.

Baking Soda is also relatively easy to use! To clean your shower head with baking soda, simply make a paste of baking soda and water and rub it onto the shower head. Let the paste sit for a few minutes. After that, wash it with warm water and your shower head should now be shiny and clean!

Can You Use Citric Acid to Clean Shower Head?

Citric acid is available in almost every home. If you’ve got lemon, you’ve got citric acid. Recently, a video got viral using citric acid to clean shower head pores from rust and stains. However, is it genuinely a good idea to use citric acid to clean shower heads as the video demonstrated?

Yes, citric acid is a great option for cleaning your shower head and removing sticky stains and rust from the pores. Simply mix equal parts citric acid and water, and then use a clean cloth to scrub the dirt away on the shower head. Remember to wash the shower head thoroughly with water when finished.

This article and its contents are owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on 06/07/2022.

Why Citric Acid is a Great Cleaning Product

The good news is that citric acid can easily be obtained from your nearest mart, on top of being safe to use. Despite being a mild acidic cleaner, it neither damages your skin while cleaning the showerhead nor corrodes the surface of the showerhead when applied.

However, it’s still a good idea to test the citric acid on an unnoticeable spot on the showerhead to make sure the two are compatible. If you find the acid to be too aggressive, you can resort to simpler alternatives like using baking soda powder.

Can You Use Lime to Clean Shower Head?

Yes, you can use lime to clean your shower head. Generally, lime can remove hard water stains and grease build ups from your shower head. In addition, they also leave a great smell after you’re done cleaning!

Can You Use Lemon to Clean Shower Head?

A photo of Lemons on a tree

Yes, lemon can be used to clean shower heads. To do so, simply cut a lemon in half and rub it over the shower head. Then, wash it thoroughly with tap water. Doing this will help you remove any build-up on the shower head and leave it looking spectacularly shiny!

Can You Use Bleach to Clean Shower Head?

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clean your shower head, the use of bleach may pop up in your head. After all, it’s one of the most common disinfecting products out there available on the market right now. Yet, is bleach good enough to the point that you shouldn’t opt for a more specific, more expensive product?

Yes, you can use bleach to clean your shower head. However, if you don’t want your shower head to lose its shine, it’s important to dilute the bleach using water first. Once diluted, the solution will get rid of grease marks and stains very quickly without damaging the shower head.

Step-by-Step Guide on Using Bleach to Clean Shower heads

Here’s how you can use bleach to rid your showerheads of stains and rust:

Step 1: First of all, it’s important to make sure that the bleach you’re using is diluted. You don’t want to use full-strength bleach, as this can damage your shower head. Therefore, mix the bleach with water in a ratio of 1:1 before applying it to the shower head.

Step 2: Once you’ve diluted the bleach, you can apply it to the shower head using a cloth or a brush. Be sure to scrub well, and pay special attention to the areas that seem especially dirty.

Step 3: After you’ve scrubbed the shower head with bleach, rinse it off thoroughly with water. You don’t want any bleach residue left behind, as it can irritate the skin if it comes in contact with it.

What to Keep in Mind While Using Bleach for Cleaning Showerheads

As bleach is an extremely acidic and corrosive substance, it can irritate your skin and eyes. If not used properly, bleach can even corrode metals.

This article and its contents are owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on 06/07/2022.

When combined with other chemicals or cleansers, it can generate hazardous fumes that can harm or even cause severe respiratory issues. Particularly, never mix bleach with ammonia-based products instead, only ever dilute it using water.

Moreover, you should always ensure that the location in which you’re working is properly ventilated. This will help avoid bleach vapors from damaging your eyes and impeding proper breathing.

Can You Use Soda Crystals to Clean Shower Head?

Yes, you can use soda crystals to clean your shower head. Simply add a cup of soda crystals to a bowl of warm water and soak your shower head for 30 minutes. Then, rinse the shower head with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth. Your shower head should now be free of any build-up or residue!

Can You Use Coke to Clean Shower Head?

A photo of a cola pouring in glass

As insane as it may sound, a can of coke is a great and inexpensive way of cleaning multiple things, including your laundry. Due to the phosphoric acid in the soft drink, a can of coke can get rid of tough grease marks quite quickly. Nevertheless, while it does sound good on paper, should you really use coke to clean your shower head?

You can definitely use coke to clean your shower head. To do that, just pour a can of coke into a bowl and submerge the shower head in the soda. Let it soak for a few minutes, before removing and rinsing it with water.

Why Coke is a Great Cleaner

You might still be in a state of shock, so let me explain why coke is a great cleaner for most surfaces.

Well, for starters, coke contains a high amount of phosphoric acid, which is commonly used for getting rid of rust from metal surfaces. Moreover, the citric acid present inside the Coke can remove stains and grease marks.

This is helped by the presence of carbonic acid, which can break down tough mineral build-ups from objects such as your showerhead.

Drawbacks of Using Coke as a Cleaner

However, there are some downsides to using Coke as a cleaner for your shower head as well. One of them includes the fact that it will leave the shower head feeling sticky due to it being a carbonated syrup.

Moreover, the cleaning process is also quite slow. It might take a lot of hours before the chemicals present inside the Coke start to dissolve the stain and grease marks. If your shower head is made of iron or steel, excessive use of Coke can also degrade and corrode the metal.

Can You Use WD-40 to Clean Shower Head?

Yes, WD-40 can clean your shower head. To do that, simply spray WD-40 directly onto the shower head and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a soft cloth to wipe away the WD-40 and grime. After you’ve cleaned your shower head with WD-40, be sure to rinse it off thoroughly with water.

Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean Shower Head?

A photo of a hydrogen peroxide bottle

If your shower head is looking a little dirty, you can clean it using hydrogen peroxide. First, mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a bowl. Then, soak a cloth in the mixture and use it to wipe down the shower head. Finally, rinse the showerhead with water and dry it with a clean towel.

How to Properly Clean Your Shower Head

Cleaning shower heads is important for two main reasons: to prevent the build-up of minerals that can clog the shower head and remove any mold or mildew that may be growing on it.

This content is owned by Wabi Sabi Group and was first published on Jun 7, 2022..

If you live in an area with hard water, it’s especially important to clean your shower head regularly to prevent mineral build-up. Following certain steps will ensure that your shower head starts looking as good as new.

Proper Way of Cleaning Showerhead

Confused on what’s the correct method to clean your shower head? Here’s a step-by-step guide to clean your shower head spotless:

Step 1: Fill a bowl with white vinegar and place your shower head in it. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes.

Step 2: Remove the shower head from the vinegar and use an old toothbrush or other soft brush to scrub away any remaining dirt or grime.

Step 3: Rinse the shower head well with water and reattach it to the shower. Enjoy your clean shower head!

This article was first published on Jun 7, 2022 by Wabi Sabi Group..

Step 4: If your shower head is still looking a bit dirty, you can repeat steps 1-3 as needed.

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WabiSabi Group is the owner of this article and was published on Jun 7, 2022 and last modified on .

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